
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

BLESSED - Joseph Prince on Kenneth Copeland Media

Praise Jesus for Pastor Joseph Prince who preach the True Gospel of Grace! Click below to watch a special 5 part interview of Jeremy Pearsons with Joseph Prince on Kenneth Copeland Media.


  1. I recently listened to the interview between Ps Jeremy Pearsons and Sr Ps Joseph Prince on Preach Jesus. The unpacking of the Word was wonderful! I learnt so much personally. Great work, so much love, grace and respect between these two Pastors. May God bless and grow much more the Pearsons Ministries and the New Creation Church abundantly according to His richness.

  2. Jeremy is an honest guy, well educated from a famous bible family and Joseph Prince is the legendary inventor of the Grace Revolution, that brought for many people new insights in the grace message of the gospels. Listen to them is always interesting. Although one belives not everything exactly like them.
